Information about allocated quotas

When enrolling to the college several quotas are allocated to students in certain social groups, in accordance to paragraph 8 of the article 26 of law “About education” and the order of Government of RK since 26th of February 2012 #264 “About approval of the amount of the quota of enrolment after the admission in an educational institute of technical and vocational education, post-secondary or higher education” (with changes and additions stated in the Order of Government of RK since 12th May 2016 #288 and also changes and additions stated in the Order of Government of RK since 29th February 2017 #923). Quotas will be allocated to these groups:

1) Citizens with I, II degrees of disability, disabled since childhood, disabled children – 1%
2) Citizens counted as veterans and invalids of World War 2 and have advantages and guarantees accordingly– 0.5%
3) Young citizens from rural areas of the country that are being educated in majors/specialties that socially and/or economically benefit rural areas – 30%
4) Non-citizens of Kazakh nationality – 4%
5) Orphans and young citizens of RK orphaned before the age of majority – 1%
6) Young citizens from rural areas moving to other regions designated by government – 10%