Welcome! Open house day in the College of Catering and Public Service
Open house day took place in the College of Catering and Public Service today, on 7th February. Representatives of the national chamber of entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Atameken”, Labour Exchanges of Nur-Sultan, our social partners, participants of the Program for the Development of Productive Employment and Mass Entrepreneurship for 2017-2021 “Eńbek” were welcomed by College in this event.
Aim of the event is promotion of the development of productive employment and involving citizens in entrepreneurship. The main task of today’s event is to provide participants of the program “Eńbek” with short-term professional education.
After the introduction, masters of industrial training showed masterclasses relating to specialties like “confectioner”, “baker”, “chef”, “server”, “tailor”; here are some of them:
- “Mousse cakes”, “Mousse cupcakes with mirror icing” – teacher of special disciplines A. K. Koptleuova, master of industrial training A. S. Boranbayeva
- “Dressed herring” – masters of industrial training Z. S. Zhumagazi, A. S. Iskakova
- “Gluten-free bread” – masters of industrial training D. K. Bayarystanova, Z. A. Seidualiyeva
- “Decorative table setting with napkins” – master of industrial training A. S. Atygayeva
- “Gift pillows” – master of industrial training A. Ganikyzy